For those of you who signed up for the Men’s Net Match Play, the drawing has been made and is posted in the Pro Shop.  You can also go to our web site and see the drawing there.

If you are playing in the Men’s League this summer, we have a very important League Meeting on Thursday, May 17 at 7:00 pm in the snack bar area.  We will have chips, popcorn, and $1 drinks (limited to 2 per person)

We have and outing on Friday, May 18.  This is the J Gordon Meeker/Jay Community Club Outing starting at 12:30.  We will need all carts in by 11:30 that morning to prepare for this outing.  The course will then be closed until around 5:00.

Memorial Weekend is just around the corner.  We will be running an 18 hole play and ride special for $25 over all three days of the Memorial Weekend.

Outing information for the rest of June:

Sunday June 10  Pottkotter Open at 9:00     We are starting their 8 groups off Holes 11 thru 18.  The first tee will be open from 7:30 to 8:30 and then again about 11:30, after all groups have moved through.

Saturday June 16  Dunkirk Community Club at 8:30     We do not have any information on how many teams will be involved at this time.  We will let you know about any course closing on or around the 14th.

Saturday June 30  Ft. Recovery Community Club  at 11:00    All carts in by 10:00 and the course will then be closed until around 4:00.


The course is in great shape and the flower beds are looking very nice thanks to the hard work of Brad and his crew for the course work and Cindy Denney and Family and the New Owners for their hard work in this hot weather.

Even with the rain and very hot weather we have experienced over the past couple of weeks, we have had a lot of play, along with several events taking place here at PGC.

If you have not had a chance to get out to play or practice, you are missing out on the great conditions and some nice golf weather.

Here is a list of events taking place at PGC in July:

Wed 4 Six team outing at 1:00  1st tee closed form 12:00 to 1:10

Fri 6 YFC Outing More info on open play by Wednesday

Sun 15 Jerry’s Tourney 12:30

Sat 21 Coldwater Eagles 1:00   All carts in by 12:00 Course closed to around 6:00

Sun 22 Valentine Outing 8:00  Course closed until around 1:00

Sun 29 9 hole Special Olympic Events  Front nine closed from 11:00 to around 4:00

If you are part of the men’s league, please remember that due to last weeks rain out, we will be doing week 6A this Thursday, July 5 and then finish the 1st half of league on July 11 with week 7A. Please mark your calendar with these changes.

The match play events are moving along nicely. If you are still involved, please schedule your matches so each event finishes on time.

The Club Championship is scheduled for Saturday August 4 and Sunday August 5, both days starting at 12:30. This year we are going to have both a regular Club Championship and a Senior Club Championship with play from the Blue Tees. Depending on the number that signs up for each event (you can only play in one event), we will either have flights or just pay low gross and low net winners. Sign up sheets are in the pro shop. Please remember that you must have a Blue Golf Handicap to participate in these events.

Please use our PGC website to keep up on all happening here at PGC. I do my best to keep it up-to-date.

Enjoy your golf!


Just wanted to let everyone know, if you have not heard already, that Dr. Dave Fullenkamp and partner Conner Hoyt are the Gold Medal Winners in the Special Olympics USA games held in Seattle, Washington this past week.  They were 6 shots behind the leader going into the last day and won by 2 shots.

Congrats to both Dave and Conner!!

If you have not been out to PGC for a while, you have missed a lot.  The siding of the building is coming along nicely.  Several shrubs have also been removed from around the club house.  The Denney girls have done a very nice job of repainting the concrete hole signs.  Cindy Denny and family are still working hard on flower beds, etc.  Several dead trees have been cut down and more are scheduled for removal.  Owners Dan Carr and Jeremy Kunkler have lots of ideas for the clubhouse and golf course.  Come out and take a look around.

This coming Sunday, Jay County Special Olympics is holding an event here at PGC. The event starts at 1:00  and all of our carts will be needed for this event.  Therefore, all carts must be in by 12:00 and the course will then be closed until around 4:00  They are only playing the front nine, so if you are a walker, you can come out and play the back nine during this time.

The PGC Club Championship will be held Saturday August 4 and Sunday August 5, both days starting at 12:30.  This year we have a separate Seniors Club Championship division, in conjunction with the regular club championship.  As of now, it looks like we be just be paying low gross and low net places in each event, however, this could change to flights if the number of players signed up warrants this.  You must be signed up by 8:00 p.m. one week from today on Wednesday August 1.

We only have two outings in August that will close the course for part of the day.  Saturday the 11th, and Monday the 13th.  You will be receiving more info on this in the next newsletter.

We are missing cart keys.  If you have accidentally taken one home, we would like it returned ASAP.

Thank you for your continued patronage of the Portland Golf Course.

We have two large groups coming out early Saturday morning that will be shotgunned at 8:00 and 8:15.

The 8:00 groups will go off holes 1-6.  The 8:15 group will go off holes 14-18, 1.

Therefore, we will have NO OPEN PLAY until the 8:15 group passes hole #1, which should be around 9:30-9:40 range.  We will also only have a very limited number of carts for open play.

On top of all of this, we are having Round 1 of our Club Championship on this Saturday, Aug. 4.  Tee #1 will be closed for this from 12:00 until 2:00.

Saturday’s Round 1 pairings and starting times will be posted in the pro shop and online around 12:00 today.

Stay tuned for latest news from The Portland Golf Club!