The course is in great shape and the flower beds are looking very nice thanks to the hard work of Brad and his crew for the course work and Cindy Denney and Family and the New Owners for their hard work in this hot weather.
Even with the rain and very hot weather we have experienced over the past couple of weeks, we have had a lot of play, along with several events taking place here at PGC.
If you have not had a chance to get out to play or practice, you are missing out on the great conditions and some nice golf weather.
Here is a list of events taking place at PGC in July:
Wed 4 Six team outing at 1:00 1st tee closed form 12:00 to 1:10
Fri 6 YFC Outing More info on open play by Wednesday
Sun 15 Jerry’s Tourney 12:30
Sat 21 Coldwater Eagles 1:00 All carts in by 12:00 Course closed to around 6:00
Sun 22 Valentine Outing 8:00 Course closed until around 1:00
Sun 29 9 hole Special Olympic Events Front nine closed from 11:00 to around 4:00
If you are part of the men’s league, please remember that due to last weeks rain out, we will be doing week 6A this Thursday, July 5 and then finish the 1st half of league on July 11 with week 7A. Please mark your calendar with these changes.
The match play events are moving along nicely. If you are still involved, please schedule your matches so each event finishes on time.
The Club Championship is scheduled for Saturday August 4 and Sunday August 5, both days starting at 12:30. This year we are going to have both a regular Club Championship and a Senior Club Championship with play from the Blue Tees. Depending on the number that signs up for each event (you can only play in one event), we will either have flights or just pay low gross and low net winners. Sign up sheets are in the pro shop. Please remember that you must have a Blue Golf Handicap to participate in these events.
Please use our PGC website to keep up on all happening here at PGC. I do my best to keep it up-to-date.
Enjoy your golf!