2022 Men’s League Information
Information for the 2023 league:
You MUST play on the designated league night. If you cannot play that night, you need to find a sub, or we will randomly draw a league player for your score (someone close to your handicap). You can NOT get together with the team you are paired with and decide to play on another day.
A league handicap will be calculated using the best 1/2 of all previous league scores.
The league will be divided into 2 halves. At the end of the 1st half, the top (6) teams will be paid, and first half gift certificates will be awarded. We will then start over from scratch (points) for the 2nd half of the league. However, 1st half league handicaps will carry over to the 2nd half of league.
You will only be playing against the team you are paired with to earn points for that league date. Each week is worth 18 points.
We will use the following three formats: 1 Best Ball, Count Both Scores, 1 vs 1.
To make the league run smoothly, it would be of great help if you:
**Find your own sub from the list that will be posted in the Pro Shop.
**It is your responsibility to pay for your sub.
**Pay for the entire league up front ($98) or pay at the beginning of each session ($49)
- 1st league date is Wednesday, May 24. There are 2 separate league sessions (7 weeks each) running through August 30.
- Cost is $7 each week, plus a $7.50 green fee and $6.50 cart fee for non-members (you do not have to ride). Also, if you are not part of our handicap system, you will pay a one-time fee of $10 for a league handicap.
- Players meet around 4:30 to 5:00 to play their match. If you need to start later than 5:00 on league night, please let the pro shop know or contact your opponents.
- Your handicap will be based on your league scores, starting with the first league date.
- ANYONE 65 years of age or older on the first day of league can choose to play from the Blue Tees. Whichever tees you decide to play from, at the beginning of league, will be the tees that you play from the entire league.
- We will use an alternating schedule with the front and back nine.
- Each week we will pay cash to the low gross winner, low net winner, and closest to the hole.
- The final week of play will be a shotgun start at 5:00. This will be followed by a meal.
- Please make sure the pro shop has your email address, as we will send outinformation about the league from time to time. Also, you will be able to see the league schedule and results on our website as soon as we can post them after each night of league.
- In the event of your round being stopped due to weather or some other circumstance, you need to return the scorecard to the pro shop and make arrangements within the group to finish the round ASAP.